4Ls Retro Format – Liked, Learned, Lacked, and Longed for

I’m always on the hunt for formats for a Retrospective. The latest one we’re going to try is the 4Ls – Liked, Learned, Lacked, and Longed for.

Terry Densmore suggested the The 4Ls in a VersionOne blog post. The specific wording he uses is tied to Sprints, and I don’t use Sprints, so I’ve changed the words.

My version of the 4Ls are:

What I/we Liked
What I/we Learned
What I/we Lacked
What I/we Longed for

By implication this means “since last time we did a retrospective”.


Terry Densmore (2013, 17 Oct). The 4Ls, a Retrospective Technique. VersionOne.