Strong products are backed by “Three-market-forces”

Oren Klaff’s book is on how to “Pitch Anything” however it includes a lot of valuable insight into start ups and new product development. One idea I liked was the “Three-market-forces” pattern.

Klaff uses the “Three-market-forces” pattern to strengthen his pitches. The “three-market-forces” in question are economic, social and technology trends. If trends in each of this spaces align, then this is the moment to create a new offering in that space.

Three Market Forces Pattern

Three Market Forces Pattern

Here is an example based on the work I’m doing in digital radio and advertising.

Economic trend:

  • Advertising spend is going Digital. Radio 3% of advertising spend but digital is 20%.

Social trend:

  • People increasing expect to control their interaction (On-demand; Like; Share) listen anywhere (Mobile)

Technology trend:

  • Music streaming doubled last year
  • Technology now enables targeted advertising and the right targeted advertising earns a premium

you won’t be surprised to know I’ve been busy building a targeted advertising capability on digital music streams focused on the mobile market. And some other exciting stuff. 🙂


Klaff, O. (2011). Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal. McGraw-Hill Professional

1 thought on “Strong products are backed by “Three-market-forces”

  1. I think your posts are a model of how to present a significant idea using clear, concise and simple prose. Something to emulate!

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