Back in 2001, having recently arrived in the UK from New Zealand, I stumbled upon Extreme Programming (XP). This framework, and its relatives, promised to revolutionise software development. At the time, “Agile” was an enigma – a term met with puzzled looks and raised eyebrows. Fast forward 24 years, and the landscape has shifted dramatically. “Agile” has come and gone. People are shouting “Agile is Dead!” If somebody says “Agile” they are met with scepticism and, in some circles, outright disdain. Anti-Agile is the new Agile dogma but I’ve never been much for dogma. I care about what works. Despite the changing tides of terminology and perception, the core principles that drew me to Agile remain the bedrock of my daily practice. I just don’t often say that.
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Tag Archives: programme management
Leaders Turn Up
I’m proud of all my teams – good people doing great things. But I’m particularly proud of my current team because it was the hardest to form, being split between London and Berlin. I formed this team by turning up. A simple message although quite painful for myself and my family. Actually that pain is part of the reason my approach works. Leaders turn up and the team appreciates that.
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Software Management Triumvirate: Delivery, Product and Technical
I view Delivery, Product and Technical as the three legs of software management stool. I have people responsible for these elements at both programme and project/team level.
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Contracts do not fix incompetence
“Contracts are the least powerful in getting people to do something. A contract does not fix incompetence.” Not my words, they come from Rajesh Mathur, but I completely agree.
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Programmes are more than Big Projects
Some projects deliver products and some programmes also deliver products. The difference is the goal. The goal of those projects is to deliver the product. However, the goal of these programmes is to deliver benefits deriving from the new product. I’ve written about the difference between programme, project, portfolio and product management before, but feel in need of a new rant – a rant brought on by DAD.
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Focus – “If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one”
Whether a Russian hunter or a software/project/programme team the proverb “If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one” offers useful advice.
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Work Item Tracking, to See or Not to See?
Work Item Tracking, to See or Not to See? This is always an interesting debate. The lists are much longer but for simplicity I’ve surfaced a few salient points. So which is best? Physical or virtual? For me physical boards win hands down, but there are occasionally good reasons for a careful blend.
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Strong products are backed by “Three-market-forces”
Oren Klaff’s book is on how to “Pitch Anything” however it includes a lot of valuable insight into start ups and new product development. One idea I liked was the “Three-market-forces” pattern.
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Too Busy to Innovate
I hear this a lot.
“We want to be smarter and more innovative, give the Dev team something to stir up their creative juices. Impossible though, we’re all too busy”.
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Are you leading or just going for a walk?
If you fancy yourself as a leader, have a glance behind you … is anybody following? Are you leading or just going for a walk?
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