Which Gherkin Scenarios go in which Feature File

I believe that you should break the link between Gherkin files and the Epics / User Stories that triggered the Gherkin Scenarios. The Gherkin files should be organised in a way that usefully describes the evolving product. You need to accept that a User Story can affect Scenarios in multiple Gherkin files. Once the User Story is done you can and should forget about it. But the Gherkin Scenarios have a life long after the User Story is gone.

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Research on Pair Programming by Professionals

Research on Agile technical practices are few and far between. The research that exists often uses students as the test subjects so doesn’t necessarily reflect professional practice, particularly not by senior professionals. In 2006 I got my company of the time involved in some research on pair programming. What was different about this study was that the subjects were professional developers. The results were interesting as, in general, they didn’t bear out claims that pair programming improved quality or speeded up development. But pairing does take a lot more effort. This is why I am selective about encouraging pair programming, restricting my active encouragement to discovery mode.
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Specification by Example versus Behaviour Driven Development

Personally I favour the phrase “Specification by Example” over the more commonly used term “Behaviour Driven Development” (BDD). That is because I demand the specifications are by example but only encourage my developers to do outside-in test first development (from BDD).
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Agile Requirements Snail: Feature to User Story to Scenario

The Iterative Incremental approach inherent in Agile applies to delivered functionality but also to the requirements elicitation part of the process.

I like to refine requirements over time. Start high level, just enough to remind us to have a conversation, then fill in the detail just as we need it. What starts as a simple name of an Epic Feature will turn into multiple User Stories each with several Scenarios. But you don’t need all of that at the start.

The iterative nature of requirements definition is suggestive of a spiral process – what my daughter would call a “snail”:

Agile Requirements Snail

Agile Requirements Snail

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Pain Driven Development

Agilists love a good catch phrase. You Aren’t Gonna Need it (YAGNI), Do the Simplest Thing that Could Possibly Work, and Pain Driven Development are three of them. In fact these three are different ways to say the same thing.

All three phrases are about addressing a technical problem the team might face in the future. Immature teams will immediately attempt to solve the potential problem and thus add complexity to their product. More mature teams take a slower, more considered view.

In fact Agile teams should go through these stages when considering a potential problem/solution:

  1. Remember “YAGNI” i.e. point out the team don’t have a problem now, hence don’t need that solution now, so probably won’t need it in the future either.
  2. Wait until you feel some pain before accepting the problem is real.
  3. Once you feel the pain then do the simplest thing possible to solve the problem.
  4. Then wait until you feel more pain before trying anything else in that space.

That considered process is Pain Driven Development.
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