Choosing the Right Nearshoring Location: 9 Essential Criteria

I’m based in London, UK, but I’ve had teams in South America, USA, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, and India. Some of those locations worked for me and some didn’t.

In 2017 I opened a software development operation in Sofia (Bulgaria) for one of the world’s leading news organisations, headquartered in London (UK). Sofia met our criteria for selecting a nearshore location (and still does). I thought others might be interested in the nine criteria we used to select a nearshoring location. Particularly since I’ve inherited teams in other locations that did not meet these criteria.
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No Strategy, No Future: Why Companies That Drift, Sink

I was talking to my mate Ed the other day. It was one of those lets talk about anything conversations. We both have extensive consulting experience so perhaps it isn’t too surprising that we ended up talking about organisational strategy. Or the lack of it. A surprisingly high percentage of companies we have encountered lack an defined organisation strategy beyond “keep doing what we’re doing and hope”. Personally, I believe every company, regardless of size or industry, needs a strategy. Here’s why.
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Is Sofia Still a Smart Nearshoring Bet in 2025?

In 2017 I was asked to create a nearshore development team for one of the world’s leading news organisations, headquartered in London (UK). We explored other locations, including Cluj-Napoca, Porto, Kraków, and Poznan, but in the end chose Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. At the time it was a great choice and I grew a fantastic team there. But time has marched on and lately, when talking to people about nearshoring destinations, I hear comments like, "Isn’t Sofia too expensive? Isn’t it saturated?" So I thought I’d have another look.
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Forget Agile. Focus on What Works

Back in 2001, having recently arrived in the UK from New Zealand, I stumbled upon Extreme Programming (XP). This framework, and its relatives, promised to revolutionise software development. At the time, “Agile” was an enigma – a term met with puzzled looks and raised eyebrows. Fast forward 24 years, and the landscape has shifted dramatically. “Agile” has come and gone. People are shouting “Agile is Dead!” If somebody says “Agile” they are met with scepticism and, in some circles, outright disdain. Anti-Agile is the new Agile dogma but I’ve never been much for dogma. I care about what works. Despite the changing tides of terminology and perception, the core principles that drew me to Agile remain the bedrock of my daily practice. I just don’t often say that.
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Need More Developers? Six Ways to Expand Your Software Team

Expanding software development capabilities isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential in today’s fast-paced tech world. Whether you’re tackling a surge in project demand or aiming to build a more resilient and versatile team, knowing your options is half the battle. From direct hiring to AI-driven productivity boosts, the choices are plentiful. But which ones make the most sense for your business? As someone who has navigated this journey from developer to CIO, I’ve seen it all. Here are your main options.
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Leaders Turn Up

I’m proud of all my teams – good people doing great things. But I’m particularly proud of my current team because it was the hardest to form, being split between London and Berlin. I formed this team by turning up. A simple message although quite painful for myself and my family. Actually that pain is part of the reason my approach works. Leaders turn up and the team appreciates that.
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